Durch das ganze Google Playstore Chaos mit der Qualitaets-Management policy nutze ich die Situation um meine Apps anzupassen und zu aktualisieren. Bei der Stinkebomb App habe ich jetzt die Level 3 Funktion veraendert. Waehlte ein Spieler diese Stufe aus, gab es eine von sehr vielen Fragen die es zu beantworten galt. Ich habe das Spielkonzept jetzt rein auf Mathematik ausgelegt.
Zum archivieren poste hier drunter jetzt das von mir erstellte Array mit den Fragen und Antworten. Ich hatte kurz ueberlegt das bei Github hoch zu laden, aber die machen Konzern-Technisch in letzter Zeit auch so ein paar seltsame Moves.
var varDifficulty = runtimeScene.getVariables().get("difficulty");
var varDifficulty = varDifficulty.getAsNumber();
function evil(fn) {
return new Function('return ' + fn)();
function shuffle(array) {
array.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);
if( varDifficulty == 1){
// ####################### //
function random_item(items){
return items[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)];
var arrZeichen = ["+","+"];
let auf1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
let auf2 = random_item(arrZeichen);
let auf3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
let aufgabe = auf1 + auf2 + auf3;
let ergebnis = evil(aufgabe);
let altA = evil( ergebnis + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3+1) );
let altB = evil( ergebnis - Math.floor(Math.random() * 3+1) );
//let aufgabe = evilCalc('12/5*9+9.4*2');
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("question").setString( aufgabe );
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("ergebnis").setString( ergebnis );
let alleAntworten = [ergebnis, altA, altB];
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("ansA").setString( alleAntworten[0] );
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("ansB").setString( alleAntworten[1] );
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("ansC").setString( alleAntworten[2] );
}else if ( varDifficulty == 2){
// ####################### //
function random_item(items){
return items[Math.floor(Math.random()*items.length)];
var arrZeichen = ["+","-","*","*"];
let auf1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
let auf2 = random_item(arrZeichen);
let auf3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
let auf4 = random_item(arrZeichen);
let auf5 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
let auf6 = random_item(arrZeichen);
let auf7 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
let aufgabe = auf1 + auf2 + auf3 + auf4 + auf5 + auf6 + auf7;
let ergebnis = evil(aufgabe);
let altA = evil( ergebnis + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3+1) );
let altB = evil( ergebnis - Math.floor(Math.random() * 3+1) );
//let aufgabe = evilCalc('12/5*9+9.4*2');
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("question").setString( aufgabe );
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("ergebnis").setString( ergebnis );
let alleAntworten = [ergebnis, altA, altB];
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("ansA").setString( alleAntworten[0] );
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("ansB").setString( alleAntworten[1] );
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("ansC").setString( alleAntworten[2] );
}else if ( varDifficulty == 3){
// ####################### //
var questions = {
"animals": [
"q": "How long can Cockroaches survive without air?",
"a": ["45 minutes","60 minutes","10 minutes"]
"q": "What is the national animal of Egypt?",
"a": ["Eagle","Cobra","Crocodile"]
"q": "What large animal is the national symbol of Spain?",
"a": ["Bull","Peacock","Tuna"]
"q": "What bird is the national symbol of France?",
"a": ["Rooster","Swallow","Swan"]
"q": "The Emu is indigenous to this continent.",
"a": ["Australia","Asia","Africa"]
"q": "How many lives does a cat has?",
"a": ["9","7","3"]
"q": "Which of these birds do NOT migrate in autumn?",
"a": ["Ravens","Sawllows","Storks"]
"q": "How many bones has a shark?",
"a": ["0","24","82"]
"q": "How many hearts does an octopus has?",
"a": ["3","2","1"]
"q": "How many legs has a lobster?",
"a": ["10","6","8"]
"q": "How many legs does a spider has?",
"a": ["8","4","6"]
"q": "National animal of Scotland.",
"a": ["Unicorn", "Lion", "Goat"]
"q": "What animal can clean its own ear with its tongue?",
"a": ["Giraffe", "Cow", "Chameleon"]
"astronomy": [
"q": "Average time the sun's rays need to reach earth.",
"a": ["8 minutes","8 hours","8 seconds"]
"q": "Planet named after the ancient Romans’ king of the gods?",
"a": ["Jupiter","Mars","Neptune"]
"q": "Planet that is planet no more ;(",
"a": ["Pluto","Neptune","Uranus"]
"q": "Planet described as a sister planet to Earth.",
"a": ["Venus","Mars","Mercury"]
"q": "Which is the largest planet in the Solar System?",
"a": ["Jupiter","Mars","Saturn"]
"q": "Most essential tool in astronomy.",
"a": ["Telescope","Phonoscope","X-Ray Photography"]
"q": "Astronomical name for a group of stars.",
"a": ["Constellation","Asteroid Family","Star Family"]
"q": "Constellation represented by scales.",
"a": ["Libra","Scorpio","Centauri"]
"q": "This planet's diameter is most equal to that of the earth's.",
"a": ["Venus","Uranus","Pluto"]
"q": "Responsible for the tides on earth.",
"a": ["The Moon","The Sun","The Athmosphere"]
"q": "Spiral galaxy nearest to ours.",
"a": ["Andromeda","Beta","Milky Way"]
"q": "Another name for planet Mars.",
"a": ["The red planet","The sun planet","Our Neighbour"]
"q": "As what is Polaris also known?",
"a": ["North star","South star","Antarctica"]
"q": "In astronomy, what is a syzygy?",
"a": ["Alignment of 3 celestial bodies","A comet","An eclipse"]
"q": "Wich one is the biggest planet?",
"a": ["Jupiter","Uranus","Mars"]
"q": "Named after the Greek god of the sky.",
"a": ["Uranus","Pluto","Mars"]
"q": "Has two moons, Phobos and Deimos.",
"a": ["Mars","Saturn","Venus"]
"q": "What is the nearest planet to the sun?",
"a": ["Mercury","Melmac","Mars"]
"q": "Earth's sister planet.",
"a": ["Venus","Saturn","Pluto"]
"q": "Named after the Roman god of the sea.",
"a": ["Neptune","Poseidon","Mars"]
"q": "Spins in the opposite direction relative to all other planets.",
"a": ["Venus","Saturn","Mars"]
"q": "How many people have walked on the moon?",
"a": ["12","1","2"]
"books": [
"q": "Book by H.G. Wells presents the Martians as having octopus-like bodies.",
"a": ["War of the worlds","I Robot","The Island of Doctor Moreau"]
"q": "'Snow White' was written by...",
"a": ["Brothers Grimm","Hans Christian Andersen","Bibi Blocksberg"]
"q": "This Romantic poet lived 1788-1824 and wrote 'Don Juan'.",
"a": ["Lord Byron","Matthew Arnold","Alfred Lord Tennyth"]
"q": "This Oxford graduate wrote Lord of the Flies.",
"a": ["William Golding","John Locke","Adam Smith"]
"q": "Queen who tells the king the stories in the collection of fairy tales One Thousand and One Nights?",
"a": ["Scheherazade","Shakira","Jasmine"]
"q": "Her first novel was 'Northanger Abbey'.",
"a": ["Jane Austen","Elizabeth Browning","Emily Bronte"]
"q": "Who killed the French Deputy Paul Deroulard in Agatha Christies short story 'The Chocolate Box'?",
"a": ["His mother","His cousin","His doctor"]
"q": "Name the Scottish King whom Macbeth murdered.",
"a": ["King Duncan","King Henry","King McKenneth"]
"q": "Name of the fictional submarine in the novel 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea'.",
"a": ["Nautilus","Gotengo","Thunderstrike"]
"q": "Author of the 19th century novel 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea'.",
"a": ["Jules Verne","Isaac Asimov","Arthur C. Clarke"]
"q": "1997 science fiction movie adapted from Carl Sagans novel of the same title.",
"a": ["Contact","Cosmos","Back to the Future"]
"q": "Which Shakespearean tragic hero had a run in with cannibals?",
"a": ["Othello","Julius Caesar","Hamlet"]
"q": "What novel by Dan Brown was denounced by Roman Catholics for being anti-Christian?",
"a": ["The Da Vinci Code","The Solomon Key","Digital Fortress"]
"q": "What classic novel by Jonathan Swift was banned in Ireland for being wicked and obscene?",
"a": ["Gullivers Travels","A Modest Proposal","Robinson Crusoe"]
"q": "Who wrote the novel Gone With the Wind?",
"a": ["Margaret Mitchell","Pensey O'Hara","Ann-Marie Traitor"]
"q": "What is Stephen Kings first published novel?",
"a": ["Carrie","The Shining","The Stand"]
"q": "In what 1851 novel would you find the characters Ishmael, Captain Ahab and Starbuck?",
"a": ["Moby Dick by Herman Melville","Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis","The Jungle by Upton Sinclair"]
"q": "In the novel Don Quixote, who is the companion to Alonso Quixano?",
"a": ["Sancho Panza","Che Guevara","Antonio Guerrero"]
"q": "Which war is described in the novel Gone with the Wind?",
"a": ["The Civil war","The Revolutionary War","The Texas war"]
"q": "The fictional spice-drug Melange has a central role in which Sci-fi epic?",
"a": ["Dune","The black legion","War of the worlds"]
"q": "The top-selling English-language author of all time is...",
"a": ["Agatha Christie","Edgar-Allan Poe","Virgina Woolf"]
"q": "Work by Lewis Carrolls banned in China because in it humans and animals used the same language.",
"a": ["Alices Adventures in Wonderland","Through the looking glass","Beautifuel days in Taiwan"]
"q": "Book by George Orwell that was banned as it was pro-communist.",
"a": ["1984","The rising sun","The red door"]
"q": "Book about the life of a prostitute written by John Cleland.",
"a": ["Fanny Hill","Candide","Sodomonio"]
"q": "The Pearl Jam song 'Down' was inspired by the writings of what author?",
"a": ["Howard Zinn","Kurt Vonnegut","William Burroughs"]
"q": "Author of 'The Witches of Eastwick'.",
"a": ["John Updike","Mark Twain","Washington Irving"]
"q": "Jane Austens works can be classified as which?",
"a": ["Romantic Fiction","Gothic Fiction","Detective Fiction"]
"q": "Who is the author of the 1988 book 'The Alchemist'?",
"a": ["Paulo Coelho","Umberto Eco","Terry Pratchett"]
"q": "Famous Venetian author who wrote his autobiography 'Histoire de ma vie'.",
"a": ["Giacomo Casanova","Don Juan","Antonio Fuerte"]
"q": "Author of 'The Death of Ivan Ilyich' and 'War and Peace'.",
"a": ["Leo Tolstoy","Maxim Gorky","Alexander Pushkin"]
"q": "In the 19th century, English writer Mary Shelley wrote which famous gothic novel?",
"a": ["Frankenstein","Interview with a Vampire","Dracula"]
"q": "What is the title of the last chapter in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?",
"a": ["The beginning","Almost the beginning","Almost the End"]
"q": "Who wrote 'The Last of the Mohicans'?",
"a": ["James Fenimore Cooper","Cynthias Profiler","Sandra Brown"]
"q": "Which American author wrote A Time to Kill, The Pelican Brief, The Client, The Runaway Jury and The Firm?",
"a": ["John Grisham","Jonathan Swift","John Updike"]
"q": "The famous pirate Long John Silver from the book 'Treasure Island', has what body part missing?",
"a": ["Leg","Ear","Arm"]
"q": "Call me Ishmael.",
"a": ["Moby-Dick","Mardi: And a Voyage Thither","The live"]
"q": "Novel written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.",
"a": ["One hundred years of solitude","The old man and the sea","Waiting for Godot"]
"brands": [
"q": "The name of this company roughly translates as leave luck to heaven.",
"a": ["Nintendo","Toshiba","Nokia"]
"q": "Jewellery company famous for designing jewel-encrusted eggs.",
"a": ["Faberge","Cartier","Tiffany"]
"q": "Which is the UK official newspaper?",
"a": ["The London Gazette","The Guardian","The Times"]
"q": "Which one was not born in France?",
"a": ["Yves Saint Laurent","Coco Chanel","Christian Dior"]
"q": "Designer that had a small shop for leather accessories.",
"a": ["Gucci","Yves Saint Laurent","Fendi"]
"q": "This is one of the oldest designer brands (since 1854)",
"a": ["Louis Vuitton","Gucci","Prada"]
"q": "Company that introduced the Miu Miu collection in 1992.",
"a": ["Prada","Fendi","Victorias Secrets"]
"q": "",
"a": ["","",""]
"calendar": [
"q": "1 Day in seconds",
"a": ["86400","36000","72200"]
"q": "1 day in minutes",
"a": ["1440","1220","1860"]
"q": "1 hour in seconds",
"a": ["3600","6200","3400"]
"q": "1 week in hours",
"a": ["168","172","166"]
"q": "1 hour in Seconds",
"a": ["3600","3800","3400"]
"q": "How many weeks are in a fortnight?",
"a": ["2","3","4"]
"q": "How many years are in a century?",
"a": ["100","500","1000"]
"q": "How many years are in a decade?",
"a": ["10","100","20"]
"q": "How many months have twenty eight days?",
"a": ["12","1","2"]
"q": "How many days are in January?",
"a": ["31","30","29"]
"q": "How many days are in March?",
"a": [31,30,29]
"q": "How many days are in April?",
"a": [30,31,29]
"q": "How many days are in May?",
"a": [31,30,29]
"q": "How many days are in June?",
"a": [30,31,29]
"q": "How many days are in July?",
"a": [31,30,29]
"q": "How many days are in August?",
"a": [31,30,29]
"q": "How many days are in September?",
"a": [30,31,29]
"q": "How many days are in October?",
"a": [31,30,29]
"q": "How many days are in November?",
"a": [30,31,29]
"q": "Zodiac sign within June and July.",
"a": ["Cancer","Virgo","Aries"]
"q": "Zodiac sign within August and September.",
"a": ["Virgo","Pisces","Aquarius"]
"q": "Zodiac sign within September and October.",
"a": ["Libra","Gemini","Leo"]
"q": "Zodiac sign within May and June.",
"a": ["Gemini","Aquarius","Scorpio"]
"q": "Zodiac sign within December and January.",
"a": ["Capricorn","Pisces","Scorpio"]
"q": "Zodiac sign within January and February.",
"a": ["Aquarius","Leo","Pisces"]
"q": "Zodiac sign within February and March.",
"a": ["Pisces","Capricorn","Sagittarius"]
"q": "Zodiac sign within November and December.",
"a": ["Sagittarius","Capricorn","Leo"]
"q": "Zodiac sign within March and April.",
"a": ["Aries","Leo","Taurus"]
"q": "Zodiac sign within July and August.",
"a": ["Leo","Pisces","Taurus"]
"q": "Zodiac sign within April and May.",
"a": ["Taurus","Pisces","Aries"]
"q": "Zodiac sign within October and November.",
"a": ["Scorpio","Leo","Aquarius"]
"capitals": [
"q": "Capital of Afghanistan",
"a": ["Kabul","Qunduz","Asadabad"]
"q": "Capital of Argentina",
"a": ["Buenos Aires","Buena Vista","Los Aires"]
"q": "Capital of Australia",
"a": ["Canberra","Melbourne","Sydney"]
"q": "Capital of Azerbaijan",
"a": ["Baku","Ganja","Lankaran"]
"q": "Capital of Belarus",
"a": ["Minsk","Minksaya Oblast","Gomel"]
"q": "Capital of Belgium",
"a": ["Brussels","Antwerp","Ghent"]
"q": "Capital of Brazil",
"a": ["Brasilia","Rio de Janeiro","Sao Paulo"]
"q": "Capital of Bulgaria",
"a": ["Sofia","Plovdiv","Varna"]
"q": "Capital of Burkina Faso",
"a": ["Uagadugu","Koudougou","Tenkodogo"]
"q": "Capital of Cabo Verde",
"a": ["Praia","Sal","Monte"]
"q": "Capital of Cambodia",
"a": ["Phnom Penh","Kampot","Banlung"]
"q": "Capital of Cameroon",
"a": ["Yaounde","Duala","Kumba"]
"q": "Capital of Canada",
"a": ["Ottawa","Toronto","Montreal"]
"q": "Capital of Chile",
"a": ["Santiago","Puento Alto","Antofagasta"]
"q": "Capital of China",
"a": ["Beijing","Shizuan","Wu-Tang"]
"q": "Capital of Colombia",
"a": ["Bogota","Cali","Medellin"]
"q": "Capital of Croatia",
"a": ["Zagreb","Split","Slavonski"]
"q": "Capital of Czechia",
"a": ["Prague","Brno","Ostrava"]
"q": "Capital of Denmark",
"a": ["Copenhagen","Obsala","Fyn"]
"q": "Capital of Ecuador",
"a": ["Quito","Cuenca","Manta"]
"q": "Capital of Egypt",
"a": ["Cairo","Alexandria","Gizeh"]
"q": "Capital of El Salvador",
"a": ["San Salvador","San Sebastian","San Quito"]
"q": "Capital of Eritrea",
"a": ["Asmara","Segeneiti","Dekemhare"]
"q": "Capital of Estonia",
"a": ["Tallin","Tartu","Kurressare"]
"q": "Capital of Finland",
"a": ["Helsinki","Tampere","Tampere"]
"q": "Capital of France",
"a": ["Paris","Marseille","Bordeaux"]
"q": "Capital of Germany",
"a": ["Berlin","Bonn","Hamburg"]
"q": "Capital of Ghana",
"a": ["Acra","Tamale","Sunyani"]
"q": "Capital of Greece",
"a": ["Athenas","Patras","Volos"]
"q": "Capital of Hungary",
"a": ["Budapest","Debrecen","Prague"]
"q": "Capital of Iceland",
"a": ["Reykjavik","Selfoss","Husavik"]
"q": "Capital of Indonesia",
"a": ["Jakarta","Batam","Denpasar"]
"q": "Capital of Ireland",
"a": ["Dublin","Cork","Limmerick"]
"q": "Capital of Italy",
"a": ["Roma","Milan","Napoli"]
"q": "Capital of Japan",
"a": ["Tokyo","Nagasaki","Hiroshima"]
"q": "Capital of Mexico",
"a": ["Mexico City","Mexico Town","Tijuana"]
"q": "Capital of Mongolia",
"a": ["Ulaanbaatar","Erdenet","Uliastai"]
"q": "Capital of Morocco",
"a": ["Rabat","Marakesh","Casablanca"]
"q": "Capital of Netherlands",
"a": ["Amsterdam","Rotterdam","Utrecht"]
"q": "Capital of Norway",
"a": ["Oslo","Stockholm","Bergen"]
"q": "Capital of the Philippines?",
"a": ["Manila","Quezon City","Davao City"]
"q": "Capital of Scotland",
"a": ["Edinburgh","Glasgow","Perth"]
"q": "Capital of Spain",
"a": ["Madrid","Barcelona","Lisbon"]
"q": "Capital of Sweden",
"a": ["Stockholm","Oslo","Amsterdam"]
"cinema quotes": [
"q": "First principles, Clarice. Read Marcus Aurelius. (1991)",
"a": ["The Silence of the lambs","Braveheart","The Firm"]
"q": "What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? (1972)",
"a": ["The Godfather","Goodfellas","Once upon a time in america"]
"q": "Jack, i swear.",
"a": ["Brokeback Mountain","The Four Feathers","The Piano"]
"q": "Gone With The Wind (1939) ends with this line.",
"a": ["After all, tomorrow is another day!","As God as my witness, i'll never be hungry again!","Frankly, my dear, i don't give a damn!"]
"q": "40 Stories Of Sheer Adventure!",
"a": ["Die Hard","James Bond","Jaws"]
"q": "A man went looking for America and couldn't find it anywhere!",
"a": ["Easy Rider","Blues Brothers","Once upon a time in America"]
"q": "A lot can happen in the middle of nowhere.",
"a": ["Fargo","Brokeback Mountain","Nightmare on Elmstreet"]
"q": "Every man dies, not every man really lives.",
"a": ["Braveheart","James Bond","The Piano"]
"q": "He is afraid. He is alone. He is 3 million light years from home.",
"a": ["E.T. the extraterrestrial","Alien","Predator"]
"q": "He loved the American dream with a vengeance.",
"a": ["Scarface","Pinochio","Home Alone 1"]
"q": "In space, no one can hear you scream.",
"a": ["Alien","2001: a space odyssey","Moon"]
"q": "Look Closer.",
"a": ["American Beauty","American Pie","Scream"]
"q": "Nice planet. We'll take it.",
"a": ["Mars Attacks","Alien","Predator"]
"q": "The future will not be user-friendly.",
"a": ["The Matrix","Star Wars","Star Trek"]
"q": "The truth is out there.",
"a": ["X-Files","Star Trek","American Psycho"]
"q": "To boldly go where no man has gone before.",
"a": ["Star Trek","Star Wars","Team America"]
"q": "What you call hell, he calls home.",
"a": ["Rambo","Die Hard","James Bond"]
"q": "Whoever saves one life saves the world entire.",
"a": ["Schindler's List","The Piano","The Abyss"]
"food and beverages": [
"q": "Bubble gum stuck in your hair, can be removed with...",
"a": ["Peanut Butter","Water","Flour"]
"q": "Name of the first bubble gum on the market.",
"a": ["Dubble Bubble","Hubba Bubba","Wrigley's"]
"q": "What divides waterinto soft and hard, depending on its chemical composition. Hard water washes soap from your hands faster, because of its high contents?",
"a": ["Minerals","Polar molecules","Salts"]
"q": "What type of meal is the traditional French dish called Bouillabaisse?",
"a": ["Soup","Rooster stew","Dessert"]
"q": "Which of the following is not considered a Mexican dish?",
"a": ["Mofongo","Burritos","Machaca"]
"q": "1.5 Liter Champagne bottle",
"a": ["Magnum","Grand Crut","Mon Dieu"]
"q": "Bow-Tie Pasta",
"a": ["Farfalle","Bowfalle","Fargiatelli"]
"q": "Little tongues Pasta",
"a": ["Linguini","Ribbini","Linguone"]
"q": "Cylindric shaped Pasta",
"a": ["Penne","Tubini","Circulone"]
"q": "English blue cheese",
"a": ["Stilton","Camembert","Strongtaler"]
"q": "Where were the fortune cookies invented?",
"a": ["San Francisco","Hong Kong","Tokyo"]
"q": "Where does the Gazpacho come from?",
"a": ["Spain","Italy","Mexico"]
"q": "Kimchi is from...",
"a": ["Korea","Japan","Taiwan"]
"q": "Where does Nasi Gorent comes from?",
"a": ["Indonesia","Thailand","India"]
"q": "How many varieties are in Heinz Ketchup?",
"a": ["57","54","69"]
"q": "What is the rarest M&M color?",
"a": ["Brown","Blue","Green"]
"q": "Where did kiwi fruits originally come from?",
"a": ["China","New Zealand","Australia"]
"q": "Not a soft cheese.",
"a": ["Emmental","Camembert","Gorgonzola"]
"q": "What was the original color of Coca-Cola?",
"a": ["Green","Red","White"]
"gaming": [
"q": "Which of these pets can you own in Runescape?",
"a": ["Kitten","Hamster","Dog"]
"q": "In Zelda, which of this is always in Links arsenal?",
"a": ["Boomerang","Hookshot","Magic Cape"]
"q": "What is the currency used in the Legend of Zelda?",
"a": ["Rupees","Coins","Triangulum"]
"q": "Zelda is what kind of character?",
"a": ["The princess","The main villain","The elfin hero"]
"q": "What disease caused people to turn into zombies in LFD?",
"a": ["The green flu","Swines disease","Nuclear malaria"]
"q": "What is the name of fictional band featured in LFD2?",
"a": ["The Midnight Riders","The Runarounds","The Cannibals"]
"q": "Where does the first game of the Crysis series take place?",
"a": ["Lingshan Islands","Mars","Caribbean Islands"]
"q": "Name of the evil god in RunesSape.",
"a": ["Zamorak","Guthan","Dharok"]
"q": "In the Metroid video game, what is Samus profession?",
"a": ["Bounty Hunter","Soldier","Space pirate"]
"q": "Name the aliens with the shields in the game Halo 1.",
"a": ["Jackals","Hunters","Grunts"]
"q": "This is not included in the game 'Animal Crossing'.",
"a": ["A Barbers shop","A dump","A museum"]
"q": "What type of Pokemon is Tyranitar?",
"a": ["Rock Dark","Ground Dark","Ground Rock"]
"q": "First place you get a gig at on Guitar Hero 3?",
"a": ["Backyard Bash","The Garage","Yankee Stadium"]
"q": "Resident Evil 4 takes place in what country?",
"a": ["Spain","Germany","France"]
"q": "Name of the fantasy realm in which the RuneScape game is set.",
"a": ["Gielinor","Modor","Gomorrah"]
"q": "First sword you get in Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.",
"a": ["Wooden Sword","Paper Sword","Emerald Sword"]
"q": "Which GTA game features Tommy Vercetti?",
"a": ["GTA Vice City","Grand Theft Auto III","GTA San Andreas"]
"q": "What is the name of Donkey Kongs tiny sidekick?",
"a": ["Diddy Kong","Tiny Kong","Mini Kong"]
"q": "In Super Mario World, you start the game on which island?",
"a": ["Yoshi's Island","Toads Island","Muschroom Island"]
"q": "This race doesnt sleep, they meditate instead.",
"a": ["Elf","Dwarf","Changeling"]
"q": "Name of the robot in The Sims 2, that fetches take-away food?",
"a": ["MunchieBot","HungryBot","FoodBot"]
"q": "Name of the land where most of the Legend of Zelda games take place.",
"a": ["Hyrule","Hylia","Termania"]
"q": "What effect does the Super Mushroom have on Mario?",
"a": ["It makes him bigger.","It invertes the colors.","It makes Mario faster."]
"q": "First video game in which Mario appeared.",
"a": ["Donkey Kong","The Mario Bros.","Super Mario Land"]
"q": "Where does Super Mario and Luigi live?",
"a": ["The Mushroom Kingdom","Yoshi Island","The Mario Land"]
"q": "In Mario video games, Bowser is the king of what?",
"a": ["Koopas","Bowsers","Mushroom Land"]
"q": "Luigi is Super Mario's...",
"a": ["Brother","Twin brother","Cousin"]
"q": "In the Super Mario games, what animal is a paratroopa?",
"a": ["A turtle","A bird","A lizard"]
"q": "In Wario World: Who or what turned Warios treasure into monsters?",
"a": ["The black jewel","Kemmy Koopa","Lemmy the mushroom"]
"geography": [
"q": "Country that is the largest consumer of gold in the world.",
"a": ["India","South Africa","China"]
"q": "Animal became a symbol of Tasmania.",
"a": ["Tasmanian Devil","Tasmanian Wombat","Tasmanian Emu"]
"q": "Only country in the world whose flag features a building.",
"a": ["Cambodia","Guatemala","Egypt"]
"q": "What does the name of Iraq mean in Arabic?",
"a": ["Edge","Oasis","Silence"]
"q": "Ibizas name dates back to 654 BC as 'Ibossim', which means...",
"a": ["Dedication to a god of music and dance.","Dedication to a god of fire.","Blossom island"]
"q": "In what Spanish city is the Alhambra Palace located?",
"a": ["Granada","Madrid","Barcelona"]
"q": "Name the national anthem of Jamaica.",
"a": ["Jamaica, Land we love.","Buffalo Soldier","Jamaica, Land of Glory"]
"q": "Where does the name of Ecuador come from?",
"a": ["The equator","A mountain","A river"]
"q": "The Holy Mountain located in Greece is also known by this name.",
"a": ["Mount Athos","Mount Kassandra","Mount Zeus"]
"q": "What kind of islands are there around Phuket Island?",
"a": ["Coral islands","Volcanic islands","Continental islands"]
"q": "Where are the origins of the Rhine river?",
"a": ["Switzerland","Germany","Austria"]
"q": "The capital of this island country is Kingston.",
"a": ["Jamaica","Haiti","Cuba"]
"q": "The most populous island in the world?-",
"a": ["Java","Taiwan","Borneo"]
"q": "What did Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez in 2007 did for his country?",
"a": ["He declared a new timezone.","He created a new currency.","He created is own sports museeum."]
"q": "Indigenous people of the island of Greenland.",
"a": ["Inuit","Yupik","Aleuts"]
"q": "Germany is known having probably the highest number of these establishments in the world.",
"a": ["Zoos","Hospitals","Kindergartens"]
"q": "Location of the Valley of the Kings.",
"a": ["Egypt","Syria","Iraq"]
"q": "This supercontinent broke up into the seven continents existing today.",
"a": ["Pangea","Artica","Gondwana"]
"q": "To what nation do the Faroe Islands belong?",
"a": ["Denmark","France","Norway"]
"q": "Where is the Taj Mahal located?",
"a": ["Agra","New Delhi","Bombay"]
"q": "Which of these countries has two capital cities?",
"a": ["Bolivia","Colombia","Ecuador"]
"q": "How many continents are there?",
"a": ["7","6","5"]
"q": "What country is called Suomi in its native language?",
"a": ["Finland","Sweden","Norway"]
"q": "This is the longest river on Earth.",
"a": ["Nile","Danube","Amazon"]
"q": "This mountain range, spanning seven countries, is the worlds longest.",
"a": ["The Andes","The Tatra Mountains","The Himalayas"]
"q": "The famous Bull Run is held in this Spanish city.",
"a": ["Pamplona","Cordoba","Valencia"]
"q": "Mount Kilimanjaro means 'The mountain that ... '",
"a": ["glitters","burns","rises"]
"q": "Where can Area 51 be found?",
"a": ["Nevada","Las Vegas","On the moon"]
"q": "Where can you visit the 'Spanish steps' ?",
"a": ["Rome","Madrid","Napoli"]
"q": "What was Iran called prior 1953?",
"a": ["Persia","Shah","Irahon"]
"q": "What city is called 'The city of canals' ?",
"a": ["Venice","New York","Hamburg"]
"q": "What city is called 'The city of water' ?",
"a": ["Stockholm","Oslo","Bremerhaven"]
"q": "Country with an AK-47 rifle on its flag.",
"a": ["Mozambique","Lybia","Iraq"]
"q": "Currency in Belgium before EURO.",
"a": ["Franc","Lira","Mark"]
"q": "Currency in Latvia before EURO.",
"a": ["Lats","Sloty","Rubel"]
"q": "Currency in Greece before EURO.",
"a": ["Drachma","Demon","Kos"]
"q": "Currency in Poland before EURO.",
"a": ["Zloty","Mark","Lira"]
"q": "Currency in Italy before EURO.",
"a": ["Lira","Roma","Tifosi"]
"q": "Currency in Portugal before EURO.",
"a": ["Escudo","Oro","Arma"]
"q": "Currency in Spain before EURO.",
"a": ["Peseta","Pesos","Libras"]
"q": "Currency in Germany before EURO.",
"a": ["Mark","Geld","Korken"]
"q": "Where does the Flamenco originally comes from?",
"a": ["Spain","Argentina","Mexico"]
"q": "Highest lake on earth.",
"a": ["Titicaca","Bodensee","Lake Michigan"]
"q": "How many oceans are there on earth?",
"a": ["5","6","7"]
"q": "Land of smiles.",
"a": ["Thailand","China","Vietnam"]
"q": "Land of a thousand lakes.",
"a": ["Finland","Bali","Taiwan"]
"q": "Land of frost and fire.",
"a": ["Iceland","Greenland","Norway"]
"q": "Land of the blue sky.",
"a": ["Mongolia","Namibia","Panama"]
"q": "Land of thousand Hills.",
"a": ["Rwanda","Indonesia","Vietnam"]
"q": "Mount Fuji.",
"a": ["Japan","Taiwan","Singapore"]
"q": "Said to be the cradle of civilizations.",
"a": ["Egypt","Jerusalem","India"]
"q": "Only city located on two continents.",
"a": ["Istanbul","Cairo","Berlin"]
"q": "Statue of the Little Mermaid",
"a": ["Copenhagen","Oslo","Cork"]
"q": "The dead heart of Africa.",
"a": ["Chad","South-Africa","Algeria"]
"q": "The Emerald Isle",
"a": ["Ireland","Greenland","Madagaskar"]
"q": "The Nazca lines are a collection of geoglyphs in what country?",
"a": ["Peru","Chile","Venezuela"]
"q": "Country dominates an archipelago of about 2,000 islands.",
"a": ["Greece","Croatia","Turkey"]
"q": "What does the word kamikaze mean in Japanese?",
"a": ["Divine wind","Suicide","Fast killer"]
"q": "Machu Picchu is located in this country.",
"a": ["Peru","Chile","Venezuela"]
"q": "Mesopotamia is the former name of what country?",
"a": ["Iraq","Iran","Israel"]
"q": "The name of this city means 'Shelter under the tree'.",
"a": ["Katmandu","Belize","Rio de Janeiro"]
"q": "What is the capital of Monaco?",
"a": ["Monaco","Monaco-Ville","Monte Carlo"]
"q": "How many countries does Monaco border?",
"a": ["One","Two","Three"]
"q": "What is the official language in the Principality of Monaco?",
"a": ["French","Italian","Monegasque"]
"history": [
"q": "One of the first Europeans to travel through China.",
"a": ["Marco Polo","Christopher Columbus","Amerigo Vespuci"]
"q": "In which country is Flemish mostly spoken?",
"a": ["Belgium","France","Luxembourg"]
"q": "To which language group does English belong?",
"a": ["Germanic","Italic","Celtic"]
"q": "This 3-headed beast guarded the gates to Hades.",
"a": ["Cerberus","Sphinx","Hydra"]
"q": "In Greek mythology, a minotaur was made up of...",
"a": ["Man and bull","Man and horse","Man and lion"]
"q": "First Civilization to use zero as a number.",
"a": ["The Babylonians","The Incas","The Egyptians"]
"q": "The 12th October 1582 does not exist in these countries.",
"a": ["Italy, Poland, Portugal","Germany, Netherlands, France","Denmark, Finland, Sweden"]
"q": "Meaning of the Latin word ‘pelegrinus’ from which the word ‘pilgrim’ originates.",
"a": ["Foreigner","Wanderer","Follower"]
"q": "Which Chancellor united Germany in 1990?",
"a": ["Helmut Kohl","Angela Merkel","Erich Honecker"]
"q": "Decorating a Christmas tree originated in which country?",
"a": ["Germany","Finland","Norway"]
"q": "The longest person in coma lasted approximately this long.",
"a": ["36 years","2 years","9 years"]
"q": "Spanish architect who designed La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.",
"a": ["Antonio Gaudi","Mario Botta","Alvar Aalto"]
"q": "When was the United Nations founded?",
"a": ["1945","1965","1981"]
"q": "He first developed the principle of relativity.",
"a": ["Galileo","Einstein","H. A. Lorentz"]
"q": "In what country was Mata Hari born?",
"a": ["The Netherlands","Germany","Switzerland"]
"q": "Che Guevara suffered from this medical condition throughout his life.",
"a": ["Asthma","Rheumatism","Migraine"]
"q": "In what country was Che Guevara born?",
"a": ["Argentina","Puerto Rico","Cuba"]
"q": "How did the mythological character Achilles die?",
"a": ["He was shot in the heel.","He died in a fire.","He was stabbed by a queen."]
"q": "What is the translation of Haute Couture?",
"a": ["High Dessmaking","High Fashion","Hot Fashion"]
"q": "According to Socrates, people should worry most about...",
"a": ["Their souls","Their future","Their health"]
"q": "Charles Darwin had a passion for this popular hobby.",
"a": ["Collecting beetles","Collecting herbs","Painting"]
"q": "In a church in what Italian city is 'The Last Supper' located?",
"a": ["Milan","Genoa","Rome"]
"q": "The true identity of the woman depicted in Leonardo da Vincis Mona Lisa.",
"a": ["Lisa del Giocondo","Isabella D'Este","Cecilia Gallerani"]
"q": "Which Queen of France was guillotined in 1793?",
"a": ["Marie Antoinette","Margrethe II","Catherine de Medici"]
"q": "Who sponsored Christopher Columbus voyage during which he discovered America?",
"a": ["Queen Isabella I of Spain","King Louis XIV of France","King Henry VIII of England"]
"q": "What was the name of the London area where Jack the Ripper murdered his victims?",
"a": ["Whitechapel","Longshore","Wllington"]
"q": "This George was the first president of the USA.",
"a": ["George Washington","George Orwell","George Bush"]
"q": "This George is one of the greatest English novelists.",
"a": ["George Orwell","George Eliot","George Sand"]
"q": "How long did the Thirty Years War last?",
"a": ["30 years","28 years","39 years"]
"q": "How long did the Hundred Years War last?",
"a": ["116 years","100 years","98 years"]
"q": "Goddess Aphrodite was born out of this.",
"a": ["Sea foam","Sand","Dust"]
"q": "World War II began with the German invasion of ...",
"a": ["Poland","France","Hungary"]
"q": "He is the Greek god of the sun.",
"a": ["Helios","Apollo","Pegasus"]
"q": "What is the name of Robin Hoods gang?",
"a": ["Merry Men","The Hoodies","The Hobbits"]
"q": "Which city is known as the city of Romeo and Juliet?",
"a": ["Verona","Florence","Sardena"]
"q": "What is the Great Manmade River?",
"a": ["A network of pipes","An aqueduct","A canal"]
"q": "The first banknotes were made of this.",
"a": ["Leather","Cloth","Paper"]
"q": "Who is in charge of the Vatican City?",
"a": ["The Pope","International Laws","Italys Government"]
"q": "Which of the following countries gained its independence from Russia in 1917?",
"a": ["Finland","Sweden","Norway"]
"q": "The first book printed on press was produced on November 18 in what year?",
"a": ["1477","1309","1661"]
"q": "What was the first European city to have a complex sewage disposal system?",
"a": ["Rome","Paris","Athens"]
"q": "Where did the assassination of Julius Caesar take place?",
"a": ["The Pompey Theatre","The town center","The Temple of Venus"]
"q": "The American continent was named after?",
"a": ["Amerigo Vespuci","Amercus Gama","Americo Vespa"]
"q": "The tradition of the Christmas tree comes from which country?",
"a": ["Germany","France","Russia"]
"q": "In Greek mythology, Artemis is the goddes of what?",
"a": ["Hunt and the moon","Beauty and Love","Wisdom, strategy, and war"]
"q": "Only one of the seven wonders of the world that survived the trials of time.",
"a": ["Great Pyramid of Giza","Statue of Zeus at Olympia","Lighthouse of Alexandria"]
"q": "A winged horse of the muses born of the blood of the decapitated Medusa.",
"a": ["Pegasus","Poseidon","Aeros"]
"q": "Approximately how many children did pharaoh Ramses II father?",
"a": ["160","14","2"]
"q": "Founded by twins raised by a female wolf.",
"a": ["Rome","Athens","Madrid"]
"q": "How did Socrates die?",
"a": ["Poisoned","Exiled to Ithaca","In war"]
"q": "Invention by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.",
"a": ["Telephone","X-Ray","Toothbrush"]
"q": "Invention by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.",
"a": ["World Wide Web","The computer mouse","Floppy Diskette"]
"q": "Who came up with the laws of gravity?",
"a": ["Newton","Einstein","Archimedes"]
"q": "Invention by Edison in 1877.",
"a": ["Phonograph","Photography","Philosophy"]
"q": "Invention by Elisha Otis in 1852.",
"a": ["Passenger Elevator","Steam Train","Hooverboards"]
"q": "Invention by John Pimberton in 1886.",
"a": ["Coca-Cola","Lemon Beer","Marshmellows"]
"q": "Invention by Samuel Morse in 1837.",
"a": ["Telegraph","Telephone","Telephone booth"]
"q": "Invention by Clarence Birdseye in 1924.",
"a": ["Frozen Food","Ice-Machine","Fridge"]
"q": "Invention by Blaise Pascal in 1642.",
"a": ["Digital Calculator","Morse Code","Abacus"]
"q": "Invention by Edwin Land in 1948.",
"a": ["Polaroid Camera","Laser Measurement","Radio-Transmitter"]
"q": "Invention by Gail Bordon in 1853.",
"a": ["Condensed Milk","Plastic dishes","Acrylic paint"]
"q": "Invention by Alfred Nobel in 1867.",
"a": ["Dynamite","Zigarillo","Matches"]
"q": "Nike was the Greek goddess of...",
"a": ["Victory","Speed","Love"]
"q": "How many historical plagues were there in egypt?",
"a": ["10","2","23"]
"q": "Who painted the Mona Lisa?",
"a": ["Da Vinci","Di Blasio","Di Mario"]
"q": "Which mythology is Pandora's box from?",
"a": ["Greek","Egyptian","Roman"]
"q": "Who invented the word 'vomit'?",
"a": ["W. Shakespeare","Prince Charles I","Louis IV"]
"q": "Who invented the word 'housekeeping'?",
"a": ["W. Shakespeare","Prince Charles I","Louis IV"]
"q": "Who was the messenger of the gods?",
"a": ["Hermes","Pegasus","Thor"]
"q": "Great fire occured in this european capital city in the year 1666. ",
"a": ["London","Rome","Paris"]
"media": [
"q": "Which character on 'Friends' had a third nipple?",
"a": ["Chandler","Ross","Monica"]
"q": "Which one of the chipmunks is the brainy one?",
"a": ["Simon","Dave","Theodore"]
"q": "Hannibal, Faceman, Murdock B.A. Baracus.",
"a": ["The A-Team","Battlestar Galactica","Knight Rider"]
"q": "What was Isaacs profession on the sitcom 'The Love Boat'?",
"a": ["Bartender","Lifeguard","Waiter"]
"q": "Where's Fonzies office in the sitcom 'Happy Days'?",
"a": ["The mens room","His personal booth","The kitchen"]
"q": "What was the name of Jesses wife on Full House?",
"a": ["Rebecca","Janet","Kimberly"]
"q": "What was Monicas cats name on the TV show Friends?",
"a": ["Fluffy Meowington","Mr. Garfield","Kittie Cat"]
"q": "Half-human alien with pointed ears and green blood.",
"a": ["Mr. Spock","Darth Vader","Locutis"]
"q": "1970s show that popularized the inverted detective story format.",
"a": ["Columbo.","Reno 911.","CHiPS"]
"q": "How does Susan die on the TV show Seinfeld?",
"a": ["She licks poison envelopes.","She drinks poison.","She licks poison stamps."]
"q": "'The Big Bang Theory' character Koothrapalli...",
"a": ["hates Indian food.","loves curry","works at Apple"]
"q": "Game played by the male leads in 'The Big Bang Theory'.",
"a": ["Klingon Boggle","Fatal Invasion","Playstation 1"]
"q": "Who lives next door to the Simpsons?",
"a": ["Ned Flanders","Mayor Quimby","Ross Moss"]
"q": "Where does fictional character Homer Simpson work?",
"a": ["Nuclear power plant","Kwikee Mart","Moes Tavern"]
"q": "What does the X in The X-Files stand for?",
"a": ["Unsolved","Exclusive","Extraterestial"]
"q": "Klaus is the pet goldfish of the Smith Family in...",
"a": ["American Dad","King of the Hill","Family Guy"]
"q": "Gary is the pet of the main character in which cartoon?",
"a": ["SpongeBob SquarePants","Family Guy","The Simpsons"]
"q": "In this animated TV series Jane and George had a pet named Astro.",
"a": ["The Jetsons","King of the Hill","The Flintstones"]
"q": "Where do you find Dr. Zoidberg, a lobster-like alien?",
"a": ["Futurama","Star Trek","Enterprise"]
"q": "TV show around a detective named Sonny Crockett.",
"a": ["Miami Vice","Hill Street Blues","Hardcastle and McCormack"]
"q": "Cop show featuring two police officers who rode motorcycles?",
"a": ["CHiPS","SWAT","Hawaii 5-0"]
"q": "TV show about 4 youthful officers of a special unit and fought crimes in schools.",
"a": ["21 Jump Street","Booker","Magnum P.I."]
"q": "TV show where the main character was Greek and used to suck on lollipops.",
"a": ["Kojak","Barnaby Jones","Hill Street Blues"]
"q": "The Flintstones and the Rubbles lived in what town?",
"a": ["Bedrock","Big Rock","Dino Rock"]
"q": "Name of the butler in 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air'.",
"a": ["Geoffrey","Solomon","Joseph"]
"q": "Carlton Banks musical idol on 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air'.",
"a": ["Tom Jones","Mel Torme","Prince"]
"q": "Name of Woody Boyds girlfriend in 'Cheers'.",
"a": ["Kelly","Penny","Michelle"]
"q": "'Happy Days' Fonzie worked as a mechanic in which garage?",
"a": ["Broncos Garage","Arthurs Auto Stop","Minottos Auto Repair"]
"q": "Name of Fonzies girlfriend on the show 'Happy days'.",
"a": ["Pinky","Laverne","Phoebe"]
"q": "High school the gang from the sitcom Happy Days attend.",
"a": ["Jefferson","Fillmore","Madison"]
"q": "TV character spouse of 'Tim The Tool Man'.",
"a": ["Jill Taylor","Florida Evans","Maureen Bunker"]
"q": "This blue-haired mom and her husband Homer had 3 kids.",
"a": ["Marge Simpson","Maggy Simpson","Thelma Harper"]
"q": "'Friends': What is Joeys favorite food?",
"a": ["Sandwiches","Seafood","Pizza"]
"q": "'Friends': Who does Rachel have a baby with?",
"a": ["Ross","Joey","Chandler"]
"q": "'Friends': What friend has a fear of dogs?",
"a": ["Chandler","Joey","Rachel"]
"q": "'Friends': What friend never had a bike as a child?",
"a": ["Phoebe","Monica","Chandler"]
"q": "This red-haired TV character was the wife of Fred.",
"a": ["Wilma Flintstone","Carrie Fischer","Wilma Duck"]
"q": "What is Narutos favorite food?",
"a": ["Ramen","Pizza","Brocoli"]
"q": "In what fictional city is the TV show Futurama set?",
"a": ["New New York","New Chicago","New San Francisco"]
"q": "What was the name of Pamela Andersons first husband?",
"a": ["Tommy Lee","Bret Michaels","Tommy Heinz"]
"q": "In the Cats musical logo, what can be seen in each of the the pupils of the cats eyes?",
"a": ["A dancer","Another cat","A dancer"]
"q": "Yabba Dabba Do.",
"a": ["The Flintstones","Scooby-Doo","Johnny Bravo"]
"q": "'Friends': What is one of Rachel Greens biggest fears?",
"a": ["Swings","Tattoos","Spiders"]
"q": "What statement do Donatello's inventions on the TMNT cartoon do?",
"a": ["They often malfunction.","They always fall apart.","They need batteries"]
"q": "What show does 'South Park' character Cartman hate?",
"a": ["Family Guy","The Simpsons","Hawaii 5-0"]
"q": "In Season Three of '24' Jack Bauer got addicted to which drug?",
"a": ["Heroin","LSD","Marijuana"]
"q": "Where did Ross and Rachel kiss for the first time in the TV series 'Friends'?",
"a": ["A LAundromat","Rachels apartment","Central Park"]
"q": "What was the first video played on MTV?",
"a": ["Video killed the Radio Star","We build this city","Sunday bloody Sunday"]
"q": "What is Homer Simpsons middle name?",
"a": ["Jay","John","Abraham"]
"q": "What was Lisas first word on the animated sitcom The Simpsons?",
"a": ["Bar","Poop","Saxophone"]
"q": "In 90210, what is the name of Tori Spellings beloved pug?",
"a": ["Mimi La Rue","Honey","Tinkerbell"]
"q": "What character did Tori Spelling play on Beverly Hills, 90210?",
"a": ["Donna Martin","Andrea Zuckerberg","Kelly Taylor"]
"q": "In the Naruto anime series, what is Narutos favorite food?",
"a": ["Ramen","Noodles","Sushi"]
"q": "How many foreign languages can MacGyver speak in the series?",
"a": ["4 languages","3 languages","2 languages"]
"q": "Agent MacGyvers first name in the self-titled series?",
"a": ["Angus","Jim","Frank"]
"q": "Name of MacGyvers son in the series MacGyver?",
"a": ["Sam","Mark","Toby"]
"q": "Name of the boat on which Big Pussy is executed on The Sopranos.",
"a": ["It has no name","Sicilia","Farfalle"]
"q": "In The Sopranos, Christophers first hit takes place in this establishment.",
"a": ["Satriales","The Bada Bing","Vesuvios"]
"q": "Brand of the red car Tony Soprano drives?",
"a": ["Chevrolet Suburban","Dodge Dakota","Lexus 460"]
"q": "Where is Jenny Calendar killed in the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer?",
"a": ["At school","at her House","On the street"]
"q": "Man in the Buffy series, who ran the runaway center?",
"a": ["Ken","Joshua","Jacob"]
"q": "Birthplace of humanity in the series Battlestar Galactica?",
"a": ["Kobol","Cabala","Caprica"]
"q": "Where was the 80s TV show Magnum, P.I. set?",
"a": ["Hawaii","California","Texas"]
"q": "What color is Mr. Beans car?",
"a": ["Green","White","Red"]
"q": "According to Mr. Beans passport, what is his occupation?",
"a": ["Museum guard","Janitor","Race car driver"]
"q": "Nationality of Klaus the Fish in 'American Dad'.",
"a": ["German","Swedish","Russian"]
"q": "Which was the first feature-length animated movie?",
"a": ["Snow White","Bambi","Pinochio"]
"q": "Which is not a production of Walt Disney?",
"a": ["Popeye the sailor","Mickey Mouse","Three Little Pigs"]
"q": "Which of these dances was specially choreographed for a 1964 movie?",
"a": ["Sirtaki","Foxtrot","Jive"]
"q": "In the 1897 play Cyrano de Bergerac, who was the one love of the poet?",
"a": ["Roxanne","Manuella","Susanna"]
"q": "Which cartoon character is known as the fastest mouse in all Mexico?",
"a": ["Speedy Gonzalez","Mikey Mouse","Stuart Little"]
"q": "What is the name of the Lone Rangers white stallion?",
"a": ["Silver","Whitey","Slick Spur"]
"q": "The main award of the Venice Film Festival is this.",
"a": ["Golden Lion","Golden Bear","Golden Dragon"]
"q": "What was Walt Disneys first animated feature film?",
"a": ["Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs","Bambi","Alice in Wonderland"]
"q": "Name the fat and lazy cat who hates Mondays.",
"a": ["Garfield","Tom","Sylvester"]
"q": "In Peanuts, what was the name of the dog in the cartoon strip?",
"a": ["Snoopy","Pluto","Spike"]
"q": "Alf his homeplanet.",
"a": ["Melmac","Centurion","Morten"]
"q": "Marylin Monroe's natural hair color.",
"a": ["Red","Black","Brown"]
"q": "What fruit does Spongebob Squarepants live in?",
"a": ["Pineapple","Cucumber","Mango"]
"q": "He-Man's real name.",
"a": ["Prince Adam","Prince Joy","Prince John"]
"q": "Batman's real name.",
"a": ["Bruce Wayne","Bruce Lee","Bruce Rich"]
"q": "Wonder Woman's real name.",
"a": ["Diana Prince","Diana Strong","Dora Stark"]
"q": "Spiderman's real name.",
"a": ["Peter Parker","Peter Jones","Peter Piper"]
"q": "Wich country is Peppa Pig from?",
"a": ["United Kingdom","Canada","Australia"]
"q": "There is no Teletubby with this color.",
"a": ["Blue","Yellow","Purple"]
"q": "Romeo & Juliet - what family is Juliet from?",
"a": ["Capulet","Malvolio","Montaggi"]
"movies": [
"q": "Before Neo joins Morpheus and his group (The Matrix) he works as ...",
"a": ["Software programmer","Internet Broker","Scientist"]
"q": "Last name of Bruce Willis' character in Die Hard.?",
"a": ["McClane","Macintosh","McGruber"]
"q": "What is E.T. disguised as on Halloween in the movie E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial?",
"a": ["Ghost","Pirate","Mummy"]
"q": "Nemo",
"a": ["Clownfish","Salmon","Koy"]
"q": "What is Forrest Gumps' IQ?",
"a": ["75","120","130"]
"q": "Captain America's real name.",
"a": ["Steve Rogers","John Oscar","Tim Jones"]
"q": "Superman's real name.",
"a": ["Clark Kent","Tom Jones","Clark Tanner"]
"q": "Daniel Craig's first James Bond.",
"a": ["Casino Royal","Die another day","Goldfinger"]
"q": "Eddy Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop.",
"a": ["Axel Foley","John Doe","Ray Parker"]
"q": "James Bond.",
"a": ["Martini","Gin Tonic","White Russian"]
"q": "Name the black scary ship featured in the first movie of Pirates of the Caribbean?",
"a": ["The Black Pearl","Nautilus","Neptune"]
"q": "The 1993 movie Sleepless in Seattle starred Tom Hanks and which famous actress?",
"a": ["Meg Ryan","Andie MacDowell","Nicole Kidman"]
"q": "Which of these movies ended in Bolivia?",
"a": ["Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid","True Grit","Exodus"]
"q": "Who portrayed airline entrepeneur Juan Trippe in Martin Scorseses movie The Aviator?",
"a": ["Alec Baldwin","Jude Law","Leonardo DiCaprio"]
"q": "What is the occupation of Ashton Kutchers character in the romantic comedy Valentines Day?",
"a": ["Florist","Writer","Accountant"]
"q": "A girl is thrown down a well.",
"a": ["The Ring","Scream","The Shining"]
"q": "Movie that tells the story of the street hustler Scott Favor.",
"a": ["My own private Idaho","Sleepless in Seattle","Dangerous Liaisons"]
"q": "Keanu Reeves plays FBI agent Johnny Utah.",
"a": ["Point Break","Johnny Mnemonic","Much ado about nothing"]
"q": "Actor Brad Pitt portrays the character of J.D. in what road movie?",
"a": ["Thelma and Louise","Meet Joe Black","Kalifornia"]
"q": "This Bill Murray film ends with a line whispered so softly, that very few can hear it.",
"a": ["Lost in Translation","Groundhog Day","Ghostbusters"]
"q": "What was the name of the bully in the Back to the Future movies?",
"a": ["Biff","Baff","Buff"]
"q": "The fictional character John Rambo belongs to what US special forces?",
"a": ["Green Berets","Navy Seals","Delta Force"]
"q": "Italian actress appeared in Sergio Leones epic 'Once Upon a Time in the West'.",
"a": ["Claudia Carinale","Ornella Mutti","Isabella Rossellini"]
"q": "What color is Star Wars character Yoda?",
"a": ["Green","Pink","Brown"]
"music": [
"q": "What is Miley Cyrus real first name?",
"a": ["Destiny","Lindsey","Carrie"]
"q": "Which Red Hot Chili Peppers song is about the death of bassist Fleas dog?",
"a": ["Death of a martian","Tell me baby","Dani California"]
"q": "What color Corvette did Prince sing about in 1983?",
"a": ["Red","Purple","Pink"]
"q": "Which Grunge band released the song 'Rooster' in 1992?",
"a": ["Alice in Chains","Nirvana","Jon Bon Jovi"]
"q": "Simba is the lead character in which movie musical?",
"a": ["The Lion King","Jungle Book","Bambi"]
"q": "'My Heart Will Go On' is the theme song of...",
"a": ["Titanic","Wizard of Oz","Bambi"]
"q": "What music icon performed 'Purple Haze'?",
"a": ["Jimi Hendrix","Led Zeppelin","The Rolling Stones"]
"q": "Who performed the song 'Paint It Black'?",
"a": ["The Rolling Stones","ZZ Top","Jon Bon Jovi"]
"q": "Who sang the 1989 hit song 'Eternal Flame'?",
"a": ["The Bangles","The B-52s","Bananarama"]
"q": "Who performed the 70s song 'You Sexy Thing'?",
"a": ["Hot Chocolate","Rockwell","Rod Steward"]
"q": "Who sang the 1982 song 'Maneater'?",
"a": ["Hall Oates","Steve Miller Band","Toto"]
"q": "Who sang 'When Doves Cry' in 1984?",
"a": ["Prince","Michael Jackson","Rockwell"]
"q": "'The great opera 'Carmen' was written in...",
"a": ["French","Spanish","Italian"]
"q": "'Aida' by Giuseppe Verdi was first performed at...",
"a": ["The opening of the Suez Canal","Anniversary of Cleopatra's death.","The independence of Italy."]
"q": "When the musics over, Jim Morisson instructs us to...",
"a": ["Turn out the lights!","Head on home.","Start it over again."]
"q": "Who performed the song 'Long Cool Woman' in 1971?",
"a": ["The Hollies","The Rolling Stones","Sting"]
"q": "Two ex-members of Nirvana formed this band.",
"a": ["Foo Fighters","Mike and the Mechanics","Temple of the dog"]
"q": "Alternative rock band named after a C. S. Lewis novel.",
"a": ["Silverchair","Stone Temple Pilots","Kasabian"]
"q": "In what music video did model Helena Christensen appear in 1991?",
"a": ["Wicked Game","Black or White","Losing my religion"]
"q": "Which of these legendary musicians released his album Nefertiti in 1968?",
"a": ["Miles Davis","Jimi Hendrix","John Lennon"]
"q": "Irish singer that in 1992 covered 'Nothing Compares 2 U' by Prince.",
"a": ["Sinead OConnor","Bono","Garri Hallywell"]
"q": "What did Kurt Cobain's suicide note quoted ended with?",
"a": ["'My My, Hey Hey' by Neil Young","'A Tears in Heaven' by Eric Clapton","'Everybody Hurts' by R.E.M."]
"q": "Name of the Spice Girls debut single?",
"a": ["Wannabe","2 become 1","Say you'll be there"]
"q": "What fruity song did The Beatles release in 1967?",
"a": ["Strawberry Fields Forever","Apple pies forever","Orange fields forever"]
"q": "Title of George Michaels debut solo album?",
"a": ["Faith","George","Hope"]
"q": "What band performed the 1984 song The 'Wild Boys'?",
"a": ["Duran Duran","The Rolling Stones","Wham!"]
"q": "What was singer Celine Dion named after?",
"a": ["A song","A flower","A river"]
"q": "What popular boyband performed the song 'Larger than Life'?",
"a": ["Backstreet Boys","Westlife","New Kids on the block"]
"q": "Who performed the song 'Die Another Day' of the 2002 James Bond movie?",
"a": ["Madonna","Sheryl Crow","Christina Aguilera"]
"q": "What famous band has been called the Fab Four?",
"a": ["The Beatles","The Rolling Stones","Red Hot Chili Peppers"]
"q": "French composer regarded as one of the pioneers of electronic music.",
"a": ["Jean Michel Jarre","Jaques Winter","Francis Demegoi"]
"q": "English big beat artist also known under the name Norman Cook.",
"a": ["Fatboy Slim","Mr. Scruff","Biggy"]
"q": "Electronic genre of music also known as Bristol sound or Bristol acid rap.",
"a": ["Trip Hop","Dark Electro","Grind Rap"]
"q": "Which 'No Doubt' song refers to birth control?",
"a": ["Six feet under","Too Late","Don't speak"]
"q": "What group recorded the 1964 hit song 'Baby Love'?",
"a": ["The supremes","Boney M.","The Temptations"]
"q": "'Hit The Floor' from Linkin Park features lyrics about which body part?",
"a": ["Heart","Lungs","Eyes"]
"q": "What band recorded the 1979 song Highway to Hell?",
"a": ["AC/DC","Deep Purple","Metallica"]
"q": "What was the title of Apocalypticas first album?",
"a": ["Plays Metallica by Four Cellos","Metal Mayhem by Cellos","Four Cellos Cover Metallica"]
"q": "Which Pearl Jam song was written while reflecting on the Columbine High School shootings in 1999?",
"a": ["Rival","Gods Dice","Evacuation"]
"q": "What term is used for the music created by The Jackson 5?",
"a": ["Bubblegum soul","Cotton Candy Funk","Candy Pop"]
"q": "What duo released the song Brother Louie in 1986?",
"a": ["Modern Talking","Depeche Mode","Ace of Base"]
"q": "Who released 'Dancing With Myself' in 1981?",
"a": ["Billy Idol","Rod Steward","Paul McCartney"]
"q": "What pop rock band recorded the song Manic Monday?",
"a": ["The Bangles","The Scorpions","Erasure"]
"q": "The song Fallin was a huge hit song for this singer.",
"a": ["Alicia Keys","Jennifer Lopez","Mary J. Blige"]
"q": "Which band recorded the 1980s rock song 'Sweet Child o mine'?",
"a": ["Guns'n Roses","Van Halen","Scorpions"]
"q": "Which band recorded the 1990s rock song 'Smells like teen spirit'?",
"a": ["Nirvana","Pearl Jam","Foo Fighters"]
"q": "Which band recorded the 1960s rock song 'Whole Lotta Love'?",
"a": ["Led Zeppelin","The Who","The Clash"]
"q": "Who recorded the 1970s rock song 'Sweet Home Alabama'?",
"a": ["Lynyrd Skynyrd","Elvis","Bruce Springsteen"]
"q": "What band recorded the semi-biographical 1978 hit single titled 'Rasputin'?",
"a": ["Boney M","Abba","The Eagles"]
"q": "What British rock band did Mark Knopfler co-found?",
"a": ["Dire Straits","Led Zeppelin","Deep Purple"]
"q": "Friends applaud, the comedy is over.",
"a": ["Ludwig van Beethoven","Franz Schubert","Wolfang Amadeus Mozart"]
"q": "This John was a member of one of the most popular british bands.",
"a": ["John Lennon","John Bon Jovi","John Secada"]
"q": "What popular musician was born and raised in Iceland?",
"a": ["Bjork","Zaz","Sinead OConnor"]
"q": "Which of these popular musicians/bands is not Irish?",
"a": ["Pet Shop Boys","The Cranberries","Sinead OConner"]
"q": "Who composed The The Four Seasons violin concertos?",
"a": ["Antonio Vivaldi","Giacomo Puccini","Antonio Salieri"]
"q": "Bill Haley and the ...",
"a": ["Comets","Asteroids","Seven moons"]
"q": "Bob Marley and the ...",
"a": ["Wailers","Waiters","Jahmaicans"]
"q": "Gladys Knight and the ...",
"a": ["Pips","Pups","Pops"]
"q": "Gloria Estefan and the ... Sound Machine",
"a": ["Miami","Florida","Cuban"]
"q": "Grandmaster Flash and the Furious ...",
"a": ["Five","Six","Seven"]
"q": "Huey Lewis and the ...",
"a": ["News","Fake news","Newspapers"]
"q": "KC and the ..... band",
"a": ["Sunshine","Funky","Big"]
"q": "Kool and the ...",
"a": ["Gang","Band","Furious"]
"q": "Marky Mark and the ... Bunch",
"a": ["xFunky","Drunken","Wreckless"]
"q": "Mike and the ...",
"a": ["Mechanics","Scientists","Teachers"]
"q": "Prince and the New ... Generation",
"a": ["Power","Internet","Careless"]
"q": "Tom Petty and the ...",
"a": ["Heartbreakers","Eagles","Incredibles"]
"q": "Album: A night at the Opera (1975)",
"a": ["Queen","David Bowie","Don Johnson"]
"q": "Album: Appetite for Destruction (1987)",
"a": ["Guns'n Roses","Death Lizzard","Van Halen"]
"q": "Album: Disintegration (1989)",
"a": ["The Cure","Nina Simone","Duran Duran"]
"q": "Album: Green River (1969)",
"a": ["C.C.R.","U2","R.E.M."]
"q": "Album: L.A. Woman (1971)",
"a": ["The Doors","Jimi Hendrix","Elvis"]
"q": "Album: Rhythm Nation 1814 (1989)",
"a": ["Janet Jackson","La Toya Jackson","Michael Jackson"]
"q": "Album: After the Gold Rush (1970)",
"a": ["Neil Young","Chris Isaak","Samuel L. Jackson"]
"q": "Album: Master of Puppets (1986)",
"a": ["Metallica","Vanilla Ice","Elton John"]
"q": "Album: Fly like an eagle (1976)",
"a": ["Steve Miller Band","Frank Zappa","Nick Cave"]
"q": "Album: Born to run (1975)",
"a": ["Bruce Springsteen","Bonny Tyler","Diana Ross"]
"q": "Album: Avalon (1982)",
"a": ["Roxy Music","C & C Music Factory","Pet Shop Boys"]
"q": "Album: Automatic for the people (1992)",
"a": ["R.E.M.","Kraftwerk","Jon Bon Jovi"]
"q": "Album: The Joshua Tree (1987)",
"a": ["U2","Jazzmatazz","Cypress Hill"]
"q": "Album: Purple Rain (1984)",
"a": ["Prince","Mike Oldfield","Stefanie"]
"q": "Album: London Calling (1980)",
"a": ["The Clash","The Crash","The Trash"]
"q": "Album: Nevermind (1991)",
"a": ["Nirvana","Austin Powers","Soundgarden"]
"q": "Album: OK Computer (1997)",
"a": ["Radiohead","Kraftwerk","Bronski Beat"]
"nature": [
"q": "What did early Greeks believe lightning was?",
"a": ["The weapon of Zeus","The weapon of Dioniysos","The sign of death"]
"q": "These particles form light, as you see it.",
"a": ["Photons","Electrons","Quarks"]
"q": "What was Michelangelos view of nature and its place in art?",
"a": ["He saw it as an enemy.","He saw nature as a miracle.","He saw the nature as perfect as it is."]
"q": "This mountain contains the highest peak on the African continent.",
"a": ["Kilimanjaro","Mount Baker","Mount Karisimbi"]
"q": "For which flower is the Netherlands particularly famous?",
"a": ["Tulips","Roses","Sunflowers"]
"q": "Chemical symbol 'AU'",
"a": ["Gold","Platin","Bronce"]
"q": "Color of an Emerald.",
"a": ["Green","Red","Pink"]
"q": "Amount of colors in a rainbow.",
"a": ["7","9","6"]
"q": "What is the rarest blood type?",
"a": ["AB-","AB+","AA-"]
"q": "This mountain range is the longest on the planet.",
"a": ["Andes","Alps","Appalachians"]
"q": "This mountain range is located in Europe.",
"a": ["Alps","Apennines","Ural"]
"phobias": [
"q": "Achluophobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Darkness","Hills","Rollercoasters"]
"q": "Ailurophobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Cats","Dogs","Mice"]
"q": "Arrhenphobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Men","Spiders","Table arangements"]
"q": "Astrophobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Celestial space","Rockets","Enourmous things"]
"q": "Aviophobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Flying","Bees","Birds"]
"q": "Bathophobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Depth","Pressure","Swimming"]
"q": "Belonephobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Fear of needles","Fear of Balloons","Fear of balconies"]
"q": "Brontophobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Thunders","Rain","Darkness"]
"q": "Caligynephobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Beautiful women","Californian snakes ","Pencils"]
"q": "Cathisophobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Sitting","Getting on ones knees","Praying"]
"q": "Ceraunophobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Fear of thunder and lightning","Fear of rain and getting wet","Fear of bad weather"]
"q": "Cacomorphobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Fear of fat people","Fear of Carcuses","Fear of skinny people"]
"q": "Chinophobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Snow","Asia","Chins"]
"q": "Elurophobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Cats","Dogs","Mice"]
"q": "Lachanophobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Fear of Vegetables","Fear of Beds","Fear of Llamas"]
"q": "Nyctophobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Darkness","Nymphs","Nightshifts"]
"q": "Odontophobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Fear of dental procedures","Fear of heights","Fear of the color yellow"]
"q": "Potophobia is the fear of what?",
"a": ["Fear of alcohol","Fear of photos","Fear of copies"]
"sequences": [
"q": "-3,-1,1,3",
"a": ["5","-5","4"]
"q": "1,1,2,3,5",
"a": ["8","6","7"]
"q": "1,2,4,8",
"a": ["16","10","12"]
"q": "1,3,5,7,9",
"a": ["11","12","18"]
"q": "2,3,5,7,11,13",
"a": ["17","15","20"]
"q": "3,6,7,14,15",
"a": ["30","18","16"]
"q": "3,7,11,15",
"a": ["19","18","20"]
"q": "3,9,27,81",
"a": ["243","223","172"]
"q": "5,10,15,20,25",
"a": ["30","35","50"]
"q": "5,10,20,40",
"a": ["80","50","100"]
"q": "26,31,36,41",
"a": ["46","44","56"]
"q": "27,24,21,18",
"a": ["15","14","9"]
"q": "56,48,40,32",
"a": ["26","24","22"]
"q": "87,76,65,54",
"a": ["43","45","42"]
"q": "940,910,880,850",
"a": ["820","800","780"]
"sports": [
"q": "George Clooney tried to play this sport professionally.",
"a": ["Baseball","Basketball","Tennis"]
"q": "One of these Yoga terms means truth.",
"a": ["Satya","Drishti","Japa"]
"q": "Number of players per team at Ice Hockey.",
"a": ["6","8","5"]
"q": "Number of players per team at Kabaddi",
"a": ["7","6","9"]
"q": "Number of players per team at American Football",
"a": ["11","10","18"]
"q": "Number of players per team at Curling",
"a": ["4","3","2"]
"q": "Number of players per team at Cricket",
"a": ["11","12","15"]
"q": "Number of players per team at Rugby",
"a": ["15","9","20"]
"q": "Number of players per team at Baseball",
"a": ["9","12","15"]
"q": "Number of players per team at Soccer",
"a": ["11","12","15"]
"q": "Number of players per team at Volleyball",
"a": ["6","5","4"]
"studies": [
"q": "What does ludology study?",
"a": ["Video games","Postcards","martial arts"]
"q": "Which word refers to the study of bones?",
"a": ["Osteology","Neropathology","Bonology"]
"q": "What does dactylology study?",
"a": ["Fingerprints","Rocks","Caves"]
"q": "This is the study of winds.",
"a": ["anemology","campanology","conilogy"]
"q": "Dipterology is the study of...",
"a": ["Flies","Moles","Mosquitos"]
"q": "Ichthyology is the study of...",
"a": ["Fish","Amphibians","Crocodiles"]
"q": "Myrmecology is the study of...",
"a": ["Ants","Centipedes","Wasps"]
"q": "Oology is the study of...",
"a": ["Eggs","Eels","Animal organs"]
"q": "Mental illness, classified by Emil Kraepelin in 1887.",
"a": ["Schizophrenia","Autism","Dementia"]
"technology": [
"q": "Name of the light trucks the Opel began making in 1930.",
"a": ["Blitz","Magirus","Daimler"]
"q": "What was the original logo of Opel?",
"a": ["A Zeppelin","A truck","A lightening bolt"]
"q": "What was the first name of the Opel founder?",
"a": ["Adam","Heinrich","Ludwig"]
"q": "What did Opel manufacture before making cars?",
"a": ["Sewing machines and bicycles","Televisions","Boats and steam engines"]
"q": "Which country owns the .ie domain name?",
"a": ["Ireland","Israel","Iceland"]
"q": "What does BTDT mean in internet slang?",
"a": ["Been there, done that","boy that dirty talks","better than doing time"]
"q": "What does AFK mean in internet slang?",
"a": ["Away from keyboard","almost french kissed","as far as i know"]
"q": "What does .com stand for?",
"a": ["Commercial","Complicated","Communication"]
"q": "What does WWW stand for?",
"a": ["World Wide Web","Whole World Web","World War Web"]
"q": "What color is the black box on an airplane?",
"a": ["Orange","Black","White"]
"q": "The Porsche Logo contains a ...",
"a": ["Horse","Dog","Bird"]
"q": "What was invented first?",
"a": ["Hair Dryer","Television","Radio"]
"q": "What year was the first iPhone released?",
"a": ["2007","2001","2010"]
"q": "Which sweets are stored by an Internet browser?",
"a": ["Cookies","Biscuits","Candy bars"]
//end of var questions
//let amountCategories = Object.keys(questions).length;
var categories = Object.keys(questions);
var categoryName = categories[Math.floor(Math.random() *categories.length)];
var amountQuestions = questions[categoryName].length;
var welcheFrage = Math.floor(Math.random() *amountQuestions);
var question = questions[categoryName][welcheFrage].q;
//var question = questions[categoryName][0].q; -- die direkte Auswahl
var antworten = questions[categoryName][welcheFrage].a;
let ergebnis = antworten[0];
// von oben gecopied
//let alleAntworten = [ergebnis, altA, altB];
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("category").setString( categoryName );
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("ergebnis").setString( ergebnis );
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("question").setString( question );
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("ansA").setString( antworten[0] );
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("ansB").setString( antworten[1] );
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("ansC").setString( antworten[2] );
var level1 = {
"1+4/2" : ["a", "4", "5" , "6"],
function evilCalc(fn) {
return new Function('return ' + fn)();
console.log(evil('12/5*9+9.4*2')); // => 40.4
runtimeScene.getVariables().get("question").setString( evilCalc('12/5*9+9.4*2') );
//runtimeScene.getVariables().get("question").setString(typeof varDifficulty);